The education system in our country has transformed with time. Still we believe that there are flaws and it is only because of our corrupt intentions. Every society has good and bad energy, and people with good motives are often suppressed by these bad influences but ignoring all odds, we intend to move forward until we eliminate evil faces beneath the veil of morality.
Our honesty lies in changing the mentality and making education affordable and accessible. Everyone deserves to get at least the basic parts of education so that they become aware of themselves.
We at Purvanchal Sewa Sansthan strive to provide joyful learning to the children who should have been in primary schools but are not there at present. We also provide many value additions to our education activities.

Joyful Learning
Every child brings uniqueness and innovations with them so to polish their hidden talents we provide effective learning opportunities through different teaching methods designed to improve their cognitive learning abilities with specially assigned qualified teachers. We conduct tests and interesting activities to cease their consistency and the inquisition to learn more.

MHM Awareness Programme
For our survival, it is extremely important to know basic biological functions of our bodies. Especially with the growing concern about women’s safety in a country like India where they are mistreated and abused fearlessly irrespective of what they wear and where they go. After analysing numerous case studies, we concluded that rural areas are harshly affected due to ignorance. More thoughtful about how to get through their usual days, the underprivileged sections, therefore, confront the most heinous crimes and violence.
To safeguard them, we educate rural adolescent girls with the basics of menstruation through our Menstruation Hygiene Programme. A sigh of relief that years of stereotypes, the most nonsensical rumours revolving around menstruation whether religious or manmade social norms, have finally been initiated to change. At the end of each session, we distribute sanitary pads to them.

Family Education Programme
Education should be mandatory for every human being. So, not just youngsters but their parents need to have basic knowledge as well. It is true that the upbringing and personality of a child are partially or completely dependent on the surrounding his/her family has created for them.
To ensure that more families find it necessary to first educate their children so that at least they can change the circumstances within the boundless possibilities a literate person holds, we organise amazing family education programmes where we mention that it is never too late to start again, and that age is just a number.

Health and Hygiene Programme
In today’s generation, it is important to stay mentally and physically healthy and that is possible only when we educate the ignorant to maintain a healthy lifestyle which includes a balanced diet, and to make sure that after a stressful day they have saved some time for their refreshment.

Bridge Course and Balwadi Programme
Life is not limited or defined by that failure you are upset about or that one report card that made you feel inferior, and you gave up the idea to start all over again! We are that light of hope you need to defeat your delusional darkness. Our team efforts have initiated bridge course and balwadi programmes to support dropout children and help them to sow their seeds of betterment yet again.